After two successful collaborations this past Fall with esteemed Michelin chefs, Fabien Verge and Andre Chiang, Chef Timothy has been inspired to create his very own 7-course set menu dinners to debut at Pasta & Co. in February 2025.
With the recent renovation of Pasta & Co. and the opening up of our kitchen window, Chef Timothy has created a delightful multi-course experience that will only be available February 19th-21st and March 5th-7th with 6:30pm seatings at our Chefs Counter and Private Dining Room with very limited seats available each evening. For special dietary needs and/or if you cannot eat beef, spicy and/or raw foods, please let us know when you make the booking.
Please book in advance and we look forward to welcoming you to experience Chef Timothy’s wonderful tasting dinner experience at Pasta & Co. Wine pairings available and don’t forget that Tuesdays and Thursdays at P&CO are all about Jazz!
去年秋天,在與著名的米其林廚師Fabien Verge 和Andre Chiang 兩次成功合作之後,Timothy 主廚受到啟發,創造了他自己的7 道菜套餐晚餐,並於2025 年2 月在Pasta & Co. 首次亮相。
隨著Pasta & Co. 最近的翻新和廚房窗戶的開放,主廚Timothy 創造了一種令人愉悅的多道菜體驗,僅在2 月19 日至21 日和3 月5 日至7 日提供,下午6:30 在我們的廚師處就座櫃檯和私人餐廳每晚的座位都非常有限。
主廚餐桌採完全預約制,所有食材都是根據當天人數採購及準備, 為避免造成浪費,請於訂位時備註告知有任何食物、飲料過敏(包含酒精類)或不能食用的食材。
請提前預訂,我們期待您來 Pasta & Co. 體驗主廚 Timothy 精心烹製的美味晚餐。